St. Dunstan of Canterbury Anglican Church

Our Sunday services are from the Book of Alternative Services and always the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (communion). Normally, members of our Readers’ Guild read the lessons and the homily (sermon) is delivered by one of our clergy. Our services are timely, topical and hopeful.

8:30 am.Said Eucharist

This service lasts is approximately 45 minutes long. There are no hymns or music at this simple early morning time of worship.

10:30 am. Choral Eucharist

This service lasts approximately 90 minutes in length. Our excellent choir is present and leads the congregation in the hymns for the day. The mass setting is sung, as is the psalm. There is generally an anthem as well. A musical prelude and postlude accompanies this service, occasionally with additional musicians such as flute or clarinet.

The 10:30 am service is streamed to YouTube. 

For YouTube, go to the YouTube page and in their search bar enter St. Dunstan of Canterbury.Look for the round icon depicting our altar window.
